Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Officers for BTMA Already Decided by Past Career President

Down to the pool at the anal meetin that Paula-tics woman was sittin there with some othr wohman and current career director Joolie and they was just havin a grand ol time deciding on who they was going to make real sure get in the charge of the bored next years. (Now who elected them to be determining  who was going to be in and why would they do that when this was even before any directers had been voted on? I guess you'd call that some long range planning.)

I mean how hard is it to understand if the homeowners is not the member and the Articles of Inc arent right then the subdivisions cannot be the member so someboy tell me exactly who is the members....and why would them folks who showed up  think they could just decide they are going to be not just members but steam roll and run over homeowners forcing homeowners to hand over money to them, when they aren't nobody . Well, it does say that you don't have to be a member of the corporation to be on the board so anyone who wandered over from the bus stop would have as much right to belly up to the trough as anyone else.

Anywho, them three on their own little self appointed "nominating committee" was asked if, since they was plannin, then  jest who was gonna get elected, and them two up hoisted themselves up and bolted away real fast like, leavin  good ole Joolie sittin all alone all by her lonesome all red red faced lookin like one of them deer that got their headlice caught in the cookie jar.

We haven't herd as to yet, who showed up to elect themselves ed to the new bored as the awficers so they could do the things they do to homeonwers, but shure hope that they will keep on readin all those blawgs and that forum called HOA talk, so they be informed as good as Windy the past bored presidnets was. Cuase if you want some durn good legal advice there is no place like asking a bunch of people who have got them selves elected to a HOA association bored and don't know nothing niether. 

What is that saying “We the unknowing, led by the willing, have done so  little, with so much, for so long, we are now qualified to do nothing with anything.” (Or sumpthin like 'at.)

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