Friday, October 14, 2011

Corporations as tole by Will.

We been sitting near the radio all day yesterday listening to see if the KRMG announced who got herself in as President....of the BMTA.   

Word on the streets is to expect no surprise on who it will be and who will be them other awficers. Same old paula-tics being played year after year. (Second verse, same as the first.)

On another nose, the latest scheming has certain entrenched directors rubbin their hands together about how they is going to get to them "dead-beats" (who can forget those immoral words made by that  former career President who actually put that in writing calling homeowners that! )   Anywho, the plan is to sucker the new green horn directors into getting them corporations up and ruining. That way the BM entrenched members can sneak around and  force by threatening poor homeowners to hand over the money they was saving to pay for their heart medicine or to buy a few groceries. Tho it is  hard with the inflation to make ends meet but some who have jobs right now don't understand what it is like to have to make a choice....because as one  woman said, about what is happening now that homeowners realize that they don't owe "Well, they may be right but it is going to ruin our kid's summer."  (Talk about channel vision.) 

Them homeowners are not liable for obligations of any corporation. Maybe they for real just don't understand basic law but you'd think ifn old Stinky who lives two trailers over knows it, then they could figger it out without too much help.  Unless you just aren't real bright and ol Stinky isn't everyboy knows it is unlawful for the BTMA board of directors to try to force  homeowners to pay debts of a corporation. The  BMTA board cannot come after the lot owners via a subdivisions corporation. The smart attorneys even said that  they need to  produce documents that were  filed like 35 years ago with the city, county and state as them agencies have repeatedly stated there are any there. Bless their hearts, they just don't even understand the basics of bidness and I hate it like everthing but they will end up wasting thousands of dollars of their own money in court defending themselves if they try to lien anyone. But whatter you gonna do? There aint' no use explaining to those not capable of understanding. 


The problem stems from folks who understand bidness thought they was too busy so they let people who don't have a clue-- run amok and get themselves entrenched. Now is the time that people who are smart step up and hold feet to the fire to do the honest thing not some goofball everone laughs at who is saying "lets all get along and go along and try to put this together the way we thot "was the the developer's intent."   The judge would have a hayfield with a comment like that.

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