It is important that you be there to know what is REALLY going on.

Knowledge is power! 

Burning Tree Master Association board of directors  are just people who sit on the board who volunteered (some are "career members". Now they are demanding you pay them money under threats of liening your property.

Go to meetings and ask questions of the BURNING TREE MASTER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
 UPDATED March 5, 2012....This will continue to be updated as homeowners send in their concerns
  • Ask the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors to show you, by what authority they have the right to demand money from you (they call them "assessments") and then to spend it.  (They have never shown the attorneys who have asked for them for this information as early as last summer.)  
  • Ask the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors  if they are going to meet the March 15, 2012 grace period they were given by the Justice Department to become ADA compliant, so that the pool can be opened this year. Or have they even gotten around to taking a formal vote? We have several homeowners here who are in wheel chairs or have other debilitating concerns including heart issues.  The Burning Tree Master Association Board of Directors have known about this federal mandate since last year but refused to acknowledge it. Wendy Berezowski acknowledged it in Aug 2011.  There is a $55,000.00 fine for the first violation and a $110,000.00 fine for the second! This is very serious. The Justice Department has toll free numbers and online forms for reporting violations to make it very easy to do, for those whose are discriminated against. A relative who is an attorney advises that it will be the board members who are personally liable. However,  who do you think Burning Tree Master Association is going to expect to pay this when they are turned in for the pool not being handicapped accessible? DO YOU WANT TO BE STUCK WITH A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO TRY TO PAY OFF FINES THE BURNING TREE MASTER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS  MAY END UP  CAUSING? Let's make sure this gets done so there are no special assessments to the remaining subdivisions.
  • Ask the board if they did, in fact, meet the earlier federal mandate for drain covers  which went into effect, in 2008, regarding installing the federally approved drain covers.  Burning Tree Master Association pool, like all others in the U.S., were to not open in 2008 until they got it installed. If it still is not done, when the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors get fined for it will they expect you as a homeowner to pay for it? Where would that money come for?  "Special assessments?
  • How much is the Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance going to cost this year, now that the insurance company is aware that Burning Tree Master Association board members had no authority to assess any homeowner. In the past the insurance ran about $1574.00. It is due somewhere around April 4th. (BTMA board members seem unable, still to understand that Burning Tree South like all the other subdivisions is not part of, nor has ever been part of the Burning Tree Master Association, according to the Oklahoma Secretary of State. Acting on that information Burning Tree South filed a document with Tulsa County to help title companies and prospective homeowners have the correct information. Takeaway point: If Burning Tree Master Association board continues to act like they aren't capable of understanding that Burning Tree South needs to be left alone they must remember that Burning Tree South homeowners vote on anything over $1,000. Oklahoma Statutes allow by-laws to be enforced in the courts. (What that means is that there would have to be a special meeting called following all legal procedure --how and length of time for notifications,  in order to get a vote from the homeowners in Burning Tree South before Burning Tree Master Association could write a check to pay for their D & O insurance. Why? Because we all know that Burning Tree South does not allow money collected to be spent without a vote of the people if it is over $1,000. Due to the length of time and costs it would be prudent, if we want our directors covered, that we quit acting like we can't understand that Burning Tree South is not a part of the Master Association.   
  • Are Burning Tree Master Association board of directors aware that their  D & O insurance (Continental Casualty  CNA Plaza Chicago, IL 60685   also Claims Manager CNA Global Specialty Lines 40 Wall St 8th Flr,  New York, NY 10005 212 440-3439   and all other notices: Ian H. Graham, a division of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc Managing General Underwriters 5161 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywoodm CA 91601   800 621-2324  )  REQUIRES them to advise the insurance company that if they have failed to have the chair lifts and all other ADA requirements done by the March 15, 2012 deadline? Maybe the insurance compny needs to be fully aware if Burning Tree Master Association board of directors violates the Burning Tree South covenants by trying to include Burning Tree South.
  • Who within the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors gave maps to the people mowing the grounds last year since they had them mowing Kingsridge Estates at OUR expense? Yes, you were told you owed dues and then money was blown paying mowers to mow in another subdivision. (But of course,some of your money is also used to pay to mow city property, when you already pay local taxes to have it mowed!)    
  • Where have Burning Tree Master Association board of directors advertised for the mowing bid this year? Or will it be given to a certain board member again this year, who will drop off the board to do it, like he did before??  
  • When and where will the Burning tree Master Association be advertising for pool manager and lifeguards? OR will President Julie Lindquist (and unpaid pool manager last year) going to put in her daughter and Annie's grandson again as lifeguards and Annie to also be paid, without others having the opportunity to fill out an application? It should be advertised legally and fairly to ALL homeowners. The Tulsa World is a good starting point. There are MANY  very qualified people in Tulsa.
  • Tulsa County assessors office-land records 918 596-5801 can tell you if  your property address has a lien. (Many homeowners were "shocked and surprised" ---more like horrified--to find they had liens!!)  If you find there is one on your address, go to the meeting and tell the board of directors to remove it. BE SURE YOU FOLLOW UP. 
  • Why did Burning Tree Master Association board of director fail to have the dumpster removed at the end of the pool season? When asked why people were dumping a pickup load of junk in there the dude said he could because the pool manager was a good friend of his and she told him she would allow him to even though he doesn't live here. (So another place money you have been forced to pay to the Burning Tree Master Association, has been wasted!)  
  • Where are the legally required audits Julie Lindquist said we would have? If the audits are not done homeowners can force them to be done (even if they have blown money to have a "tax review" because that is nothing like an audit, nor is it mentioned in the by-laws. This is according to the bylaws and Oklahoma Statutes.
  • There are many more questions we all have. Read the blogs and come up with a list of your own and send them in to be posted here and also show up at the meetings! See you at the Monday night March 5th meeting at Grove Elementary 10202 E. 62nd St!

Knowledge is power so ask questions!

Since the Burning Tree Master Association directors have failed to spend some of the money  for our promised clubhouse  that homeowners have been assessed  for since 1977, here is where we must meet: 

Apr 2, 2012  
Monday 7 PM       Grove Elementary School library                
May 7, 2012 
Monday 7 PM       Grove Elementary School library                
Jun 4, 2012  
Monday 7 PM        Pavilion at Burning Tree Pool (Tulsa, OK)               
Jul 2, 2012   
Monday 7 PM        Pavilion at Burning Tree Pool (Tulsa, OK)               
Aug 6, 2012  
Monday 7 PM       Pavilion at Burning Tree Pool (Tulsa, OK)               
Sep 10, 2012 
Monday 7 PM      Pavilion at Burning Tree Pool (Tulsa, OK)
                                                   ANNUAL MEETING               

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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