Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Will's Reflecktion Yeer

"How goes it Will"?

Ah, you kno jest been discussin with some of them othr men folk on what that ole bored of direcktors got themselves 'clomplished this past yeer.

"So you and the fellas are happy with all the new and exciting things happening in your neighborhood?"

Well now that you put it that way, not exacktly.

See they was lots of good idears that them fine folks who lives here what made suggestins to that bored, and we still is tryin to figger out what exacktly they did git acclomplished, other then down to the pool era. Yessiree they got lots of new pipes in that ole bathy house cause some body didnt turn off the water the rite way afore it froze last winter seasun. Looks rite purdy now for shure. And they got lots of em purdy plans 'n flowrs all over the era down to the pool, why theys must of spent a small fortune specially to give em lots of fresh  water ta make em grow. But them trees they all plant last fall seasun dont be lookin so good rite now, but guess 'cause they give all that water to the purdy plants and flowers round the pool so you can have somthin to look at when your sittin in em fancy chars down to the pool. Them lifegards got some brand spankin new high chairs to sit on whiles they workin them twenty minutes at a time they sits in 'em.

Once upon a time ago at a meetin along 'bout March, the bored said that they would give a break on our doos  to all us homeownrs  what didnt use that pool, but to my best reckolectin, that anint nevr happend.

Beginnin erly in the year they formed special groups of volnteers so to help out with things like the pool and hows the best way to spend all that money for othr things. They nevr put those nice volnteers to workin as how to help, but that one who runs like her hair is on fire all over to the era, she jest puts herselfs in the charge of evrthing. Everdently no body told her she coulnt do that. So she jest did.

Me an the fellas we still workin of figgering out what othr things they did for us with all that money from the dues, and if we come up with somethin, we will git back to you fore sure.

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