Saturday, January 14, 2012

Will apologizes....

Hey, you all....I din't mean to hog this recording so long but was trying hard to figger out who that one voice was on there. It was more disturbing when I realized it was that one everone calls TALL. Tall was repeating away stuff at the BMTA that someone who was real confused told him. Without researching it to see if it were true TALL was on that recording just a repeating  stuff like it was a fact when it isn't even the truth.

My dad he used to take me out to the woodshed for saying things that weren't true.

Why in the tarnation does Tall keep up that mantra about "putting the BMTA back together"? Bless his heart, he apparently don't read the legal documents, to understand that it never was together and every time he repeats that he's stirring up things.  (I heard one misguided one sayin that they was sure it was the developers intent to do everything otherwise than what he did. ROFLMAO at that one, I tell you what!    Like the law says, it may have ben someones intent but intent don't matter...just ask Em Jae when I tried to tell her I had intent to remember her birthday.

We kept listenin for that "Mr. Wont B. Quiet" (he always a mumbling, grumbling and hollering and acting out--disrespecting everyone that way). I can only surmise that he must notta been there to that BM meeting for some reason as I never could here him and played it several times to see. I can GARantee you when he's there he sure does want lots and lots of attention paid to him.  Em Jae had a switch for them kids of our'n when they was begging for attention, like 'at acting like they had been raised by a pack of wild dogs. Them kids realized real quick they din't need no attention, afterall. 

Think "Mr. Wont B. Quiet" hit Senor Citizen status and maybe he has moved on since he was a saying that Senors need to do that, so's the young people can be here who want to use the pool as their cheap summer excitement. Mix up one of them big glass pickle jars full of red Kool-Ade fer the kids and send them off to the pool. Summer family vacations just don't get no better than than.


"There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.  

The proverb has been traced back in English to 1546 (John Heywood), and resembles   Jer. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."

1 comment:

  1. Do you know who has the tapes to the other meetings, so we can share with our neighbors? We heard and are curious why someone named Mr. Fretters was so scared.
