Thursday, October 13, 2011

UPDATE! E-mail received: Anyone heard yet who the new BTMA officers are?

So far the bets are 8 to 1 that  Julie will be President just as she and Paula --former career President--were plotting the week before the meeting to select directors. One person thinks it will be Tracy.

THIS JIST IN: PAULA-TICS IS ALIVE AND WELL IN THE BURNY TREE. THEY GOT JOOLIE IN.  and somehow Claudine  got in as  Vice-President.  How did that slip into the  paula-tics... that Claudine won't back off when something is right--they thowed her off for asking too many questions about what was bein done wrong before... the paula-cee is if you don't go along with them they shut you up by getin' you off the BMTA.  We is gonna hear a cat fight....grab your popcorn....(Them doods who got on that board have no idear how they are going to be led around by wimmen.) 

Can't wait to  find out who is the secretary and the treasure.


  1. I find it amazing that the same people voted into the BTMA have the stupidity or at least the insensitivity to post pictures on their FACEBOOK account pool parties on both the 4th of July and Labor day this year:
    Cut and past the URL into a new window or tab.


    One needs to ask...
    Was everyone invited? I paid my assessments and did not receive a word on either event.

    Were there any lifeguards on duty and if so who paid them?

    We've noticed several members of Burning Tree Area #4 residents enjoying themselves there.
    These are the same people who are on the Master Board and seek election onto #4's Board now...Talk about SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY.
    These photos show where the allegiance lies. There's an old saying about one picture...

    Amazingly we did not notice any of our older residents, just kids and grand kids (legitimate or otherwise) of the "poolies".

    These are the people who want you to pay for a pool myself and others do not use, but are under threat of lien.

    Don't be fooled to believe that this was done at NO COST to all at Burning Tree.
    And if so why were these expenses not recorded 2-4 months AFTER THE EVENT.

    Again they have misappropriated your money. If your Congressman used taxpayer money for their personal use you'd be outraged.

    Hypocrites...Hateful liars and bigots.

    Why were there:
    No African-American residents photographed, much less there?
    No one from the Duplexes and Apartments?
    None of our Seniors (count myself as one) who may have enjoyed a burger, some conversation and a day in the sun?

    I guess some of these people think they have moved up in the world because they are living in a house without wheels.

    Shame on you all.
    Some old fool who did pay his damned assessments for the last time.

  2. Did Claudia's rich daddy-in-law buy this for her too?
