Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Plans for the Burning Tree Master Association??

The ability to set goals, make plans, and take action on them determines the outcome.

The law of cause and effect. This law says that, for everything you do, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Alec Mackenzie wrote, "Taking action without thinking things through is a prime source of problems."


Missed the meetings? Here is what was talked about this past year. You will see that things that were voted on and approved by the BTMA did not happen if it wasn't something they personally did not want. 

·    A budget was discussed for plantings in the perennial garden. (March 8, 2011)
·    Claudia Nelson would like another $100 from the $1000 the BTMA board of directors approved for the perennial flowerbed plantings in last fiscal year 2010-2011, that she still has not received. (May 10, 2011)  As of February 2012 (nine months later and in a new fiscal year) only $400 of the $1,000.00 that was voted on was ever given for that purpose. The board has now refused to give any further money.


·     Marcia Lysinger, who has been on the board for a few years now, would like a copy of the bylaws so that she knows what is in them. January 10, 2011 meeting
·    TeShauna Conrad made a motion to start a bylaw committee; however this discussion was tabled for a later time. January 10 meeting
·    It was agreed that we do need a bylaw review committee; no members were named to this committee at this time.Feb 14, 2011
·    Do we have signed By-Laws? A question asked by Mark Basore. April 5th, 2011 Meeting Agenda


·    Julie Lindquist stated that if we did have a clubhouse that we would have a place for our board meetings, we would also have facilities for the entire neighborhood to use year round. As a board we need to follow through with working towards building a club house so that we have these facilities for our neighborhood and this would increase the values of all of our homes. November 8, 2010
·    Annie Thomas advised that Richard Thomas, her husband, the retired police officer, really liked the idea and there was enough money in the Burning Tree Master Association accounts to buy the house in Burning Tree South to make it a clubhouse.
·    Annie Thomas wants to  enclose the pavilion at the pool to make a clubhouse. (March 8, 2011)

·    Helen Griffin would like to see homeowners fined for yards, homes, etc., that are not taken care of and fall in to disrepair, decreasing the value of all of the homes in our neighborhood. October 11, 2010
·    The BTMA only has authority over the common areas in the neighborhood, and  the subdivisions were responsible for the covenants.  January 10, 2011 meeting
·    Covenants are guidelines that were set and they must be followed and enforced.Feb 14, 2011
.    See copy on file of e-mail Wendy Berezowski Pres of the Burning Tree Master Association actually sent to a homeowner stating that the Burning Tree Master Assn could approve plans for  house improvements a homeowner in Burning Tree South wanted to do!  July 6, 2011

 Why did Wendy send out something like this??
Lights (STREET LIGHTS) This has been voted on and was approved. Why did the BTMA drop the ball????
·    It was noted by all that attended the meeting at TeShauna’s home how dark that street is.  November 8, 2010
·    Annie has followed up on the lighting situation and has spoken with PSO. It will cost $1800-$2,000 per light. There is a place for one at 91st E. Ave in BT South and at 9224 E 68th. Basically, it was cost us about $4000.00 to place the lights. This area of the neighborhood is extremely dark and Annie feels that we should move forward with obtaining lights for the Burning Tree South Residents.  Street Lights for South (per Annie in talking with PSO)December 6 2010 Respectfully Submitted Julie Lindquist, Secretary   Prices do not include any ground work— South 91st East Avenue—200 foot run to transformer easement 15 feet wide.Fence is in Property line is 1 foot$2100.42  each light–If we bored a line through there– 1827.06  ($273.36)S 93rd East Avenue       Off West side  Closest to Union 125 feet away Open trench 1769.30  –  Bored 1572.16   (224.14)9224 E 68th Street–Siegfried’s Home,CABLE IN CONDUIT—must dig 24-36 inches deep December 6 2010 Respectfully Submitted Julie Lindquist, Secretary
·    There was much discussion on the lighting situation. Annie reports that we could cut PSO out completely, choose solar lights and put them in ourselves. A motion was made by TeShauna to approve the purchase of one of the solar lights, the motion was seconded by Helen Griffin, and all were in favor. Donna Wilson made a motion for Ed Nelson and Jim Patterson to work together to get the light in place. January 10 meeting

Why did the board fail to follow through after it was approved?

Registered Agent-
·    Annie Thomas has started the process of obtaining Registered Agent status.   November 8, 2010
·    Dennis Phillips still shown as the Registered Agent, since Anne Thomas failed to send in the complete paperwork. Minutes show "A discussion with Dennis needs to be had regarding how we will handle payment for his duties." (May 10, 2011)  (Note: However, according to the Secretary of State's office the only thing a Registered Agent does is receive paperwork if there is ever a lawsuit. )
·   Paperwork never did get completed from last year. Dennis Phillips still shown as RA October 11, 2011 



October 11, 2010

·    everyone is worried about security. There have been break-ins, Furniture stolen from our neighbors porches, A jeep had its doors stolen right off of the vehicle The Security Committee has met the last 2 Saturdays. The security committee has four suggestions that they would like to bring to the board for consideration-Security.  Additional Lighting  Changing Pool Management Street closings, speed bumps, spikes, etc.  TeShauna had been looking into signs on the back of street signs to get people out of the area quickly. 
·    A question was raised regarding the security company that was hired to patrol the neighborhood.  It was found that it only went by the pool and someone at the meeting said they had seen them then go down by Paula's. 

November 8, 2010
·     A question was raised regarding that security company that was hired to patrol the neighborhood, The last financial report that was presented by Dennis Phillips stated that we had paid $1000.00, it is unknown if this money was actually paid, it is unknown if the security company has actually sent a bill to the association. In the previous meeting minutes, it is noted that we still owe the security company $4000.00.  Annie reported that she has been trying to get copies of everything so that issue can be resolved. 
·    Gold Star Security: Annie said she was given a bill by the previous President of the Association, Paula Hendrix from Gold Star Security. The bill states that we owe $5,000.00, billing is through October. Annie is not going to pay this bill until she knows what we are paying for, she has placed to calls to the security company and they have not been helpful. The security company was originally supposed to be in place for May, June, and July with two pool memberships and $1000.00 per month. However, the security company advised they only charged $475.00 per month for those 3 months. This is a huge mess and until we figure it out, the bill will remain unpaid. We also show to have paid $1000.00 to the security company on Oct. 7, 2010. Annie has a copy of the contract; however, it appears to be altered.  Eddie McGovern recommends that someone from the board send a letter to the security company explaining our intentions and need to know exactly what we are paying for, also explaining that a new board had been elected and that we need an explanation/details of the services provided by the company. We should make them produce the contract. Annie has agreed to send a letter to the security company.    December 6 2010

Any resolution???


Signs at Each BT Entrance:
·    There was also discussion regarding having entrances in the neighborhood that identify you are entering Burning Tree. Claudia Nelson will work on landscaping throughout the neighborhood in the common areas to bring in some color.November 8, 2010
·    Donna Wilson made a motion to approve the signs if not greater than $700.00, seconded by Wendy Berezowski.Feb 14, 2011



·    November 8, 2010- The work that was previously done by the previous board (prior to 2010) was never followed through with and the process at the City has changed. We will have to start over with the process Each home must be accounted for in the process.  (Burning Tree South is the only one that did this and it was done by someone other than anyone on the BTMA!)
·    December 6 2010- Annie would like to have Burning Tree One petitions for Speed Humps done by the end of the year so that we can get our application turned in to the city.  Respectfully Submitted Julie Lindquist, Secretary
·    January 10 meeting Annie is going to get the paperwork  so that directors have what is needed to get a vote on the speed humps. We need to set a time line for all of this to be done.
·    April, 2011 - Burning Tree South is the only area that has worked on theirs and it was NOT a board member who did the work. Since no directors have done what they said they would do to get the petition out there to homeowners this cannot be done.

Why did the directors fail to work on this to get it done?

·    Helen Griffin is currently looking into a resolution to the problem regarding all streets that exit and enter neighborhood.  It has been an ongoing problem with traffic in our neighborhood that should not be there as well as people coming into the neighborhood the wrong way on the one-way street, as well as traffic that enters and exits to avoid the high traffic streets surrounding our neighborhood. It is a danger and nuisance. October 11, 2010
·    discussed the one way street that goes out of the neighborhood to Wal-mart . Many people feel that it is dangerous for all of us going out of the neighborhood with people constantly coming in the wrong way.December 6 2010

What happened on this?

·    104 trees have been planed throughout the neighborhood, now we need to get them watered. Annie has been trying to water them by dragging a bucket of water to each of the trees. This is virtually impossible. Annie would like to put down and $500.00 deposit to obtain a meter that we can attach to a fire hydrant and water all of our trees throughout the neighborhood. With the Flower Garden that Claudia and Ed have been working on and others that will be planned, it would be even more beneficial to have the meter.    December 6 2010 Respectfully Submitted Julie Lindquist, Secretary


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