Thursday, October 20, 2011

Will....Something to crow about...

Em Jae wanted to see the house with the mistake paint so she tore out of  hear without even changing her slippers (She likes feeling like Cindereller who had glass slippers. Em Jae has lots of them--but not glass just nice house slippers, all in extra wide in different colors.)

Anywho, she was  staring and staring so hard at what she was seeing that she almost run that Eldorado up on the lawn. She thowed  it in reverse and looked in her rear view and seen right ther by the house with the mistake paint, one of them fences with the laddice work on top. She couldn't believe how something from the Garden of Eatin' Trailer Park is just everwhere in the Burny Tree. Why that fancy laddice is atop of people's fences all over to the neighborhood, and even down to the meetin place at the pool yard.  She thinks they all been watching her favorite show, "Hillbilly Heaven" since they all has the same idears. She is a little miffed that they got them put up first so now if we put it around ares she says, "them ole wimmin tell them other old wimmin that I was the copying cat ". So she has been cussing up a sailor.

But on a brite note whilst she was over in that era been all neighborly she drove around and around just a looking and she heard some chikens in someones backyard. She stomped on the brake real hard (you have to or it don't work) anywho, she clumb out of the passenger side since the drivers door broke we had to wire it shut. She  hoisted hersef  up on the top of that big Eldo and standin on her tipsy toes she cudn't see how many of them friars was back there but she knows a chiken when she heres one. Now she is cackling about me getting  building her some chiken coops, too.

She has been so bizy drawn out sketches she said she hasn't taken time to sit down and eat a thing. (That don't mean she din't just means she don't sit down to eat. I seen her eating a pan of macaronis and cheese over the kitchen sink.)

I tell you what she is the queen of multi tasking. One good one she learnt off of Hints from Helouise is she sits backwards on the toilet while doing her bidness and uses that  fine writing table to address them Christmas cards. (She has as much brains as she does good looks, I am here to tell you.) 

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