Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Response To The Board

I attended the Annual Meeting last night, and agree with the comments posted regarding the lack of attendance. One must ask the question, why so little turnout? Some would have you believe it is because of all the information that has been gleaned from countless hours of combing through all our pertinent governing documents, and having that information posted on the eight or nine blogs that have been started throughout the areas.

When did having the knowledge of how our HOA was or was not properly formed, and exactly what our governing documents say, somehow become treasonous? How is Burning Tree supposed to function properly and flourish if the truth is not known? A comment from one of the directors to me last night  was, "there have been so many lies spread about the Board of Directors, and the hurt is so deep. It seems as if someone wants to tear it all down."  I would like to speak to this issue.

Since when is bringing to light wrongdoings considered "tearing it down"? The Burning Tree Master Association Board of Directors forcing homeowners to do something which is illegal is what tears it up!  Board would not listen when numerous homeowners have questioned them; choosing instead to ignore it because "we have always done it this way".  Many homeowners have expressed serious concerns about those board members, both past and present, who are frantic  to hide deeds like a cat covering their stinking deeds in the litter box....calling unlawful meetings* to throw out those who are willing to stand up and expose the truth.  (i.e. When "someone" ran around claimed she was calling a special meeting,  to remove TeShauna, who had replaced that "someone"  and  TeShauna was asking a whole lot of questions.)

*According to both the by-laws and Oklahoma statues that govern corporations.

What has gone on for years is shocking! Good and decent people have told how some on the board have humiliated them by digging up dirt on them to share at meetings. What kind of person is into schadenfreude (pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others) and likes the power of knowing who has filed bankruptcy, foreclosure, been divorced,  had children out of wedlock,  who is having it rough financially and may owe some back taxes to the IRS after losing their job?  And the really hateful things being passed around in e-mail that "accidentally" got sent by one of the vicious ones to one of the homeowners they were ripping apart. What rights do board members have to sit in judgment? Is it that you just like the power of being able to control people?

 See list that will be posted soon.

Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time for everything,  and a season for every activity under the heavens:   a time to tear down and a time to build,   

 Why doesn't the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors use that energy to help make it a community instead of tearing  down the neighborhood?

Yes, I do know what it is like to experience profound hurt because someone wanted to 'keep us quiet' when we questioned how things were being run; and that person did not want us involved. Period. Power hungry, control minded people can be ruthless if they perceive another as a threat. Such people live in a constant state of warped reality, if the only way they can feel better about themselves, is to tear others down. But the really sad thing is, other people watch how these people operate, and do the same yet  to others, and this must stop before the healing process can begin. Look in the mirror, integrity starts there. To "fix" the hurt, it must begin with each and every one of us.

Claudia Nelson


  1. what difference does any of this make to you--you don't owe any assessments-you are not a homeowner

    1. I think you misstated where you said
      "what difference does any of this make to you--you don't owe any assessments-you are not a homeowner"

      You should have said "what difference does this make to any of you--homeowners don't owe any assessments".

      Read the Master Assn Articles of Incorporation (Article V)MEMBERSHIP: Every Burning Tree Area Owners Association approved by Declarant shall be a member of the corporation.

    2. There is no use explaining to those who are not capable of understanding!

  2. Dear anonymous, same old song, second verse! How you love to throw out that "you're not a homeowner" statement. So sad really that, that is all you can come up with. Truly.
    Standing up for the truth is the correct thing to do. Period. That is called integrity; always doing the correct thing even though no one is watching or listening.
    Please do not worry yourself overmuch about our names not being on the assessor's site.
    Is that the "green-eyed" monster of jealousy lashing out?
    Ya'll have a really nice day.
