Friday, October 28, 2011

Everbody Is A Wonderin...

....where in tarnation I have been. Well, me and some of them men folk here in the Burny Tree took off an went huntin fer a spell, down to one of them fancy huntin parks. Sometimes you jest need to get away from all the gossup, an namecallin, and a trip to the grate outdoors breathin in som of that clean fresh air jest does the soul a whole lotta good. For shure, now.

Why I nevr laffed so much as when ole Curly was a tryin to catch a deer, waiting all day and nite long till he jest got so durned tired he jest fell plumb asleep! But what make it so funny was while he was a sleepin, a deer sneaks up to him to see what that crumpled heap was there jest a sleepin away. Yessiree, we nevr gonna let ole Curly live that one down.

I tried esplainin to the boys that we really didnt need to go all the way over to the fancy huntin park to catch us some squirrells, cause they got plenty rite here in the Burny Tree!  And the reel bonus is all them rabbits we have us rite here in the backyards, why we can do all the huntin we want without evr going more then a few feets away.

Anyho, the mane reason fore checkin in before I git my muzzleloader an bow 'n arrows fore some more huntin with the boys, was to see ifin the new eleckted bored membrs done finally able to understand that the sudbivisons aint tied to the masturd associatin, and the homeowners certinly aint neither.

Well everbody knows  that there aint nothin to prove that all us common folk who lives here in the Burny Tree is beholdin to the masturd associatin! Seems to be that it is clear as the daylite that comes up evr mornin, but some of them who be sitting on the bored, jest refuses to beleeve it! (I'd rather give them the beneifit of the doubters that they knows the truth but is just refusing insted of that they ain't smart enuf to read and understand, sumtin as simple as that.)   Even after theys own atturny seen it wasn't so, he tried and tried to find other things to pick on even going as far as using wrong caselaw thinking we was a bunch of fools and couldn't see he was misinterpreting it, why all them other attorneys was amazed he dun that...and thin he actually charged olmost $3,000 of money us'ns had been forced by threats to give to the bored because that was before we knowed the truth. 

I hear them men hollerin my name, so I best be gittin my muzzleloader and heads back to that fancy huntin park. Ya'll take care now and I will be back reel soon to catchup on the latest news here into the Burny Tree.


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