It is time for all of us to realize that HOAs, just like this nation, are not ruled by a
special class of individuals, but by all homeowners. To understand what’s going on in your HOA, go to the monthly
meetings; ask questions, read the covenants for your area and the by-laws, research what is going on, ask more questions, demand to see the records and all the governing documents*. Hold accountable the ones who are making the decisions. Vote for only the qualified candidates.
Banding together and knowing our by-laws we can make a HUGE impact as we bring everything into the light.
It is your money
that is being spent; your community that they are talking about. Maybe
it we all just show up, instead of trusting that the right decisions are
being made for us, then we will be a better community.
*The Oklahoma Statutes O.S.
tit. 60 § 852 require the HOA to have given you the Covenants and By-Laws when you bought your home. It is incorrect wrong for anyone to tell you that it is in your abstract so "you knew you were in a HOA when you bought here". (HEELLLLOOOOOO!) Obviously that someone does not know what he/she is talking about. The information may have been put into your Abstract which is usually kept at your mortgage company. That does not meet the requirements.
Did you know that the HOA is required to provide the information to you
in writing. (
Were you given a copy in writing, to keep???) Did you know the HOA should have your signature on file, as their proof that they did give it to you when you purchased your home (i.e accepted the deed.) Ask the
Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) to see it. If they don't have it, there is a statute on the books that makes it illegal for a lien to be put on your property!
Had a lien on your property?
Check with Tulsa County Assessors office--ask for Land Records. It is important to remember that the liens are filed by your lot and block (not by your name) so make sure you get your lot and block. You will do this by going to the Tulsa County Assessors site to look in your subdivision by your name in order to get your lot and block before you call land records.
Who signed the lien that was put on your property? The one question it seems every attorney has asked is "By what authority" has the
Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) been doing this?
They have refused to answer this, even for the attorneys who have sent them letters.
Tulsa, OK
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