"the BTMA board of directors keeps talking about the Master Ass. Covenants but nobody seems to have a copy. How do we get a copy?"
If there are covenants for the Master Association, according to the OGCA the BTMA board of directors ARE required by law, to provide you with a copy. Please contact one of the BTMA directors.
Where was the annual meeting moved to? There were several signs out over the weekend announcing the meeting and even late yesterday they were there. Where was it held? I don't think this is legal to move a meeting without letting us know! We need to know is playing these childish games and put a stop to it!
Please contact one of the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors. We too would like to know what happened to the annual meeting.
What happened to all those beautiful crepe myrtles at the end of the divided road? Looks like some have been pulled up, and the others not looking so good.
As we "dug" into this request, we found out that someone tried to control the grass around the shrubs, and they died as a result of weedkiller. Any other information please contact one of the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors.
At a meeting earlier this year held at Helen Griffins house Elaine Coffee kept saying over and over "Emergency assessments!" Many homeowners were extremely upset over this. What happened to the "emergency assessments" she was calling for?
There is absolutely no such thing. Even a "special assessment" requires a vote of homeowners.
Just put your question in the comments below.
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