Friday, September 23, 2011

A Matter of Principal

How many times have we heard someone droning on at every meeting they attend, "It is only $250 a year assessments." Or the worn out, "You knew when you bought your house, there were homeowners dues."

Uh-Huh. It is not the $250, it is the principal of having some entrenched, career board members waiting for you to miss paying so they can run down to the court house and slap a lien on your property if you fail to comply!

Making up their own rules they spend our hard earned money they way they want, without having a plan for future repairs, and when extra money is needed, they scream "Special Assessment".  Then they make up a list of all those in arrears, and attach the list to the year's end  financial statement for everyone to see. Real classy and professional. For those of you still in the dark on the beginnings of HOAs, the following statement sums it up very well. HOAs are the last bastion of communism.

 For the thirty odd years this homeowners association has collected money from each and every home, what do we have to show for it? A pool with a slide, and the beginnings of a perennial flower bed (that will take another complete post). Oh, and the beautiful signs at each entrance into our addition and the decorative wall around the area that says, wow, this is the 'in' place to live. And don't you just love all the festivals on our common areas? Wasn't that a great Farmer's Market this year on the grounds by the pool? Just love how our career board members make sure that our streets are cleared of ice and snow, so we can get to work in those winter storms. Job well done, indeed.

Choices on Tuesday, September 27th. Continue to elect the same people who have been on the board since 2008, (or longer), or step up and serve* and let's show Tulsa that  Burning Tree Addition is the place to live.

*Our first president of the United States, George Washington, only wanted to farm.....thank heaven he stepped up to serve..............

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