Saturday, September 22, 2012

Questions blog viewers have sent that they want answered at the Sept 24th meeting.


Keep your questions coming. We will post them here. Send to the e-mail at the top of this blog :

  1. Did every lot owner get notified of the meeting?  (Duplexes and apartments?) If not, why not? Duplex and apartments are included in the covenants. An agreement or vote of other lot owners to exclude them CANNOT remove them! The only way to remove them is by a petition signed by a majority of the lot owners and filed with Tulsa the covenants and you will see!! It would have had to have been done after Feb 1993, not in 1977 when the supposed vote to exclude them took place.  Excluding the apartments and duplexes is unlawful and it is a form of discrimination. (And no, not letting the apartment and duplex lot owners vote  "because they haven't paid assessments" does not fly. The excluded lot owners are now aware that the BTMA simply did bother  to assess duplex lot owners. The owners have the legal right to delegate their rights to the renters who could then be charged a "REASONABLE admission fee"....that comes from the BTMA bylaws) Of course, according to the covenants, those living in BT2  don't have to pay the covenants...they have an easement to use the facilities and can pay as they use the facilities.
  2. Why were we not told beforehand who the candidates for director are?  There are several who wanted to run who feel like they were again made to feel unwelcome at meetings. 
  3. Why are we not allowed a chance to study any and all proposed amendments, instead of having it sprung on us after our proxies have been picked up? It was not put on the agenda in the meeting notice that was sent out to homeowners as the BTMA bylaws do require. 
  4. What exactly is this Lawsuit? It needs to be discussed if we are members!
  5. Audits-   (Fiscal year 2012 ended April 30, 2012) so is it done?  The by-laws require   a copy to be given out to every member. Look at the bylaws --there was a deadline to get them out to the members.  (The bylaws do NOT allow for putting it on a website. We have too many members without internet access!)  Bylaws state 2. There shall be an annual audit of the books and records of the corporation by an independent public accountant and a copy thereof shall be sent to each member within thirty (30) day after completion thereof. 
  6. Amendments for outbuildings/shed (The BTMA has no authority and cannot take a vote so why are they confusing everyone? Do they really still not understand their authority?)
  7. Why was nothing on the agenda done at the last meeting? Even if directors could not be voted on the rest of it should be done.  
  8. Why are members not allowed to see the records?  ARTICLE X BOOKS AND RECORDS  1. The books, records and papers of the corporation shall at all times during reasonable business hours, be subject to inspection by any member. The Declaration, the Articles and these bylaws shall be available for inspection by any member at the principal office of the corporation, where copies may be purchased at reasonable cost.
  9. There was no agenda in the notice we got in the mail regarding the annual
    meeting. It only said there would be voting on new directors and the follow-
    ing topics would be covered:  A brief overviews of last years accomplishments,
    voting on a new slate of BTMA directors and amendments of the Association's
    by-laws. It did not say in the agenda that there would be voting on any amendments.
    Thus, anything else to be voted on (besides directors) would have to be done
    by special meeting.
    OF MEMBERS 3. Written notice of each meeting of the members shall be given
    by or at the direction of the secretary or person authorized to call the 
    meeting by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prepaid,at least ten (10)
    days before the meeting to each member entitled to vote addressed to the
    member’s last address appearing on the books of the Association or supplied
    by such member to the Association for the purpose of notice. The notice shall
    specify the place, day, hour and agenda of the meeting and in case of a
    special meeting, the purpose of the meeting. 

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