Monday, September 3, 2012

Will and Em Jae

Me an Em Jae would like to shout out a big ole thank you to them bored of direcktors for a keepin us all safe from those wild fires during all that 100 + temperatures, with narry a rain cloud in site. What with that fancy water faucet we hear theys have to keep everthing sprinkled. Me an Em Jae really enjoyed our walks with our feet crunching on the dead leaves and grass, whiles we watched all the trees shrivel up and turn brown. Yessiree, makes us rite proud to know we live in such a well cared for neighborhood. ‘Cause ya’ll know that it would have taken jest one little spark from somethin elecktrical to start a fire, and the whole brown crunchy ground would have been burnt up jest like Em Jae’s pot roast!

And we watched an old dead tree drop its heavy branches rite where some peoples were a walkin on an evening, sure did. Me and Em Jae figgers that old tree gonna fall plum down on somebody real soon, and them peoples gonna own everthing that ole master association owns. Jest remembers you heard it first here from me and Em Jae.

Would somebody pleeze tell that one ‘who runs like her hair is on fire all over to the area’, to stop hackin them weeds outta the street? Or maybe at least to clean up her mess an not leave them piles of weeds that looks like some kind of dead critters?

An everone is getting their feathers in a ruffle ‘bout the ole annual meetin on Septembers 10th for sure now, they is. What with ole Laney cups ‘o coffeeys an her cohorts sneakin around so they can gather up all them proxy votes, so the ole bored members can vote in the same types of no good-do nothingers.

 The bored never listens to what the people wants, no sir. All they cares about is havin them all the power to hang over our heads and beat us with it. Like when they makes a fuss tellin children they cant play in the pool cause their parents hasn’t paid their dues; must make those pool managers feel rite powerful and important. Way me an Em Jae thinks is that the ole bored don’t care a hoot what the peoples think or want, cause we don’t matter, never have. All they cares about is how much power they can grab, and how to spend your hard earned money down to the pool. Next time you are a strolling around the neighborhood, take a reel close look at the rest of the property and ask yourself if it is as pretty as the pool areas.

Why the way me and Em Jae hears it, they gonna try to pull the wool over everones eye with promises to make our ways of life better here in the ole burny tree! Like tryin to get us all excited about gatherin all together for some kind of chili cook-off.  Jest  you wait til Em Jae enters her most famous chili for them to taste; now that will be somethin they will crow about!

Ya’ll have a good week an jest remember to turn off the tv and git your butts down to the pool for the meeting on September 10 at 7 in the evening. Nascar, football and baseballs will still be there when you git back home, but nothin will ever change if in you don’t git yourselfs to one of the most important meetings the ole bored ever has had.


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