Thursday, February 16, 2012

Will's cousin who happens to be a national "common tator" sent these.

Will, I have so enjoyed reading what all is going on in your HOA. Thought you might enjoy these for forwarding on to your HOA blog. Hope to talk to you soon!

  • adjutator<---A corruption of agitator, according to the dictionary. How much  more corrupt can an agitator get? LOL.
  • agistator---to feed for a fee. (included in the  very low "associate membership fee"  that allows  WHOLE huge families from outside of Burning Tree  to come to the pool every single day, all day long you and all  get fed for FREE all summer....paid for by homeowners who don't go to the pool!!!) *Associate members, since they'd be foreigners,  would be French Fry tators. See also Potato peel- what happens when the  Tator Tots, Tator chip and tator buds (i.e.kiddos) get sunburned when the mom uses the pool as an all day baby-sitter.
  • agitator ---similar to a "potato flake":  one who stirs up others in order to upset the status quo and further their cause (i.e. make everyone pay for the few who have the audacity to put themselves into a swim suit and show up at the pool)
  • amputator<---one who cuts off others from going to the pool by making demands and threats that homeowners must pay, when they don't owe.
  • annotator<---  one who thinks penciling in an  amendment on a whim (without a  vote-)  is ok--  just a good eraser in case that penciled amendment  isn't be good for "the board" in the next situation that comes up and they change their mind about it.
  • arpentator <--- one who 'arps (harps) on something: said with a British accent as in That guy who didn't have his facts straight kept 'arping the asinine, "You knew there were assessments when you moved here."
  • assentator <---a flatterer.
  • attestator<--- someone who attests to something such as a former board member attested to knowing for sure there was an amendment to the by-laws although the attestator did not live here at the time the person (amendatator?) supposedly took it upon himself to amend the by-laws. One who is absolutely clueless  that  an amendment cannot be made by one person. It requires a vote of all the members and the facts must be shown. Also, one who is practiced enough to actually say untrue things with a straight face that they attest to knowing something that is not true.
  • citator <--one who files them illegal liens; i.e. one who isn't real bright such as those who are known as Twice baked tators (not smart enough to get in out of the sun thinking orange -Hash brown tator colored--is a pretty skin color to go for at the pool.)
  • cogitator<---to think hard; ponder; meditate, devise: to cogitate about a problem.  The BTMA  "cogitates" with secret meetings to determine their next unapproved plan...
  • commentator<--- commonly spelled as Common-Tator-Hey, that's me!
  • commutator<---used for changing the  direction of a current  ...those people brought out at board meetings to change the direction of the meeting...such as when a correct point is made...the commutator comes in to change the direction of thought.
  • compotator<---a person who drinks with another, according to dictionary. (As in when poolies discuss what they wanted to do at the pool: "We will have margaritas at the pool.) 
  • confutator<---one who denies the accuracy or truth of something 
  • cunctator<---a procrastinator; delayer. (One who puts off things and doesn't call the city of Tulsa when they see trailers and boat parked in yard or "dead" vehicles parked on homeowners driveways. Maybe they are just too laaaaazy to do anything to help make this a nice place!)
  • decapitator  <---To cut off the head of; behead.... is dictionary meaning those who cut off the head of good "money making, life improving" ideas for residents and continue to snarl their lack of understanding of the legal documents. 
  • deputator<---the one who deputizes him or herself to be the "decidatator" on which one gets to be a particular BTMA officer when two people  shout out  that they both want that position. (So much for voting in qualified people!!)
  • devastator<---all BTMA board members present and past who have put liens on people, been unkind and cruel, etc....
  • dictator<--- AKA Rotten tators (names bleeped to protect the guilty)
  • disceptator<---dictionary says one who arbitrates or decides(as in when a Boss Hog type decides they will just take over being the Pres, without any vote whatsoever.)
  • dissertator<--- any formal discourse in speech;to give or make a dissertation;(discourse is  connected speech longer than a sentence, such as a sermon or treatise)
  • downstator<--- Residents in the southerly part of the area: i.e. Burning Tree South homeowners
  • excitator<---  person with wild-hair and bulging eyes  who shows up at  your door talking smack about the honest homeowners who are educating homeowners about wrong things the BTMA has done.
  • experimentator<---"Hey, lets try this to see if we can get by with fooling the masses of homeowners in to paying us for 30+ years, since they won't bother to read the documents."
  • excogitator<---To consider or think (something) out carefully and thoroughly; to find out or discover by thinking; to devise; to contrive. As in "no excogitators call the BTMA board home."
  • facilitator<---what Boss Hog tries to do at board meetings
  • felicitator<---To offer congratulations to: "I felicitate the homeowners with the guts to expose what was hidden in darkness for so many years."
  • habitator<--- career board members
  • hesitator <--- Dictionary: vacillator, waverer, coward - a person who shows fear or timidity; slow to act, speak, or decide.To pause in uncertainty; waver. To be reluctant.To speak haltingly; falter.
  • imitator <---See also Emma Tator
  • incantator<---those whose mantra is  "we've always done it this way"
  • irritator <-----one who runs with hair on fire, trolling for trash and arouses others to impatience or anger; annoy; chafes or inflames: a loud bossy voice that irritates listeners.
  • incapacitator  <---  career board members who don't undersatnd themselves but by repeating incorrect information over and over are able to so confuse others to  understanding the correct (honest) way to do things. 
  • insectator<---A pursuer; a persecutor; a censorious critic., according to the dictionary
  • levitator<---Those who cause a lot of hot air to rise  and float in apparent defiance of gravity.
  • liberaltator: lack of any common sense; One who listens to the Daily Show. AKA Potato salad-all mixed up. also aka Mr. Potato head (or simply Mr. Tatorhead for short) is one who agrees with like minded liberals
  • meditator  <---someone who doesn't bother to read to understand the Covenants  or Master Association Articles of Incorporation who keeps repeating, "Let's put it back together"....totally clueless that it never was together. 
  • mutator <---one who changes or alters the facts (See also mediator)
  • orientator <--- one who works hard to get the new tators* in the neighborhood to believe lies, similar to brainwashing the Moonies.  (*new tators -anyone who was not here when their house was built  or first time to a meeting.)
  • ostentator<--- One fond of display; a boaster; show-off; One who makes a vain show and it is obvious that one has no idea of facts. Makes self look like a total ass.
  • potator<---Dictionary: drinker, one who drinks
  • precipitator<---ones who run with hair on fire tearing around rapidly and heedlessly; speeding headlong into stupidity. Acting with or marked by excessive haste and lack of due deliberation.
  • premeditator  <--- Those who connive to do something and then at the BTMA meetings acts like it was spontaneous. EX; Meet at home of "one who runs with hair on fire"
  • protestator<--- one who protests everything. comes to meetings to try to squash everyone, without a clue what they are talking about and become the subject of many good laughs by other homeowners for years to come.  AKA mashed tators
  • punctator<--- characterized by minute dots or points. (He made a minute point.)  As in "the one old guy always says in that grating "fingernails on a chalkboard" voice the same ole incorrect statements "You knew when you bought here that you had to pay assessments." (Apparently he has some serious memory problems and can't remember that horse has already been whipped.)
  • rehabilitator<---Those who help bring the the confused from darkness to the light so they understand the truth.
  • reinstator<---When one old career board member says she wanted to be President again for the 7th time, those who let her were reinstators.
  • resuscitator<---ones who work to revive a neighborhood by looking out for neighbors. AKA Sweet tators 
  • rotator <--- One who can do a 180, changing her mind completely depending on who is in the room with her.  AKA Tator pancakes flips from one side to the other...can't make up it's mind. A double minded person is unstable in all their ways.
  • scrutator<---a person who examines or scrutinizes trying to put a spin on the truth found in the legal documents and instead looks silly. 
  • sectator<---Dictionary says :follower; a disciple; an adherent to a sect
  • spectator <--- also known as a "couch potato" (..want the pool and to have nice property but won't get off their lazy butts to do a thing. Also want everyone else to pay but  will never themselves write a check to make a donation unless it were a  laughable paltry sum. See also Entitled.
  • stator or stater<--- one who states incorrect information as if it were fact ("Half-baked" tator) (EX: The pool is olympic sized or The pool would cost a million dollars to build or We are required by the Health Dept to buy swim suits for the lifeguards.)
  • sternutator<--- "a chemical agent causing nose irritation, coughing, etc."   chlorine
  • sustentator<--- provision with means or funds for upkeep as in "  the BTMA is terrified that by all homeowners (sustentators)learning the truth the BTMA will lose their financial gravy train.
  • testator<--- who are constantly "testing" to see what they can get by with, without being caught.)   Potato Candy is not the "over 40"cougar wearing a swim suit and actually thinking she looks good. She is fooling nobody but herself. 
  • tractator<---one who is capable of being easily led; tractable; complying; yielding to motives, persuasion, or instruction; as, a ductile people. (EX: Forms ductile minds) as in there are some board members who are  easily led astray by other board members.
  • upstater<---The northerly section of a state. Burning Tree East would be the northern area of the state of chaos, so they'd be upstaters.
  • visitator<---guests and Associate members

Tator soup- in the thick of things- like being in doo-doo which is probably  the "Pea Soup" we swim in. (Our pediatrician said that chlorine doesn't kill some of the worst of what is in a pool.)

  • Potato, potato, potato*...the sound of a Harley
  • Some say potato...others say puh-tah-to
  • One tator, two tator, three tator, four. 

 (*Be careful as small "potatoes" can sometimes found in the kiddie pool)

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