Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Will on the Earthquack

Well, I "doody clair", I tel you what. Its nice to know I was missed by so many of yuns.  I have been bisy trying to see what them eartha quakes have done to the underside of my home. I can't seem to find how to get under there.

This whole thing gives me pause for concern. Did you hear that woman say she was sittin in her bathtub and she felt the earth hit the bottom of her tub? Maybe it was the slab hitting the ground. I hope it din't hurt our pool. I goggled to see and them folks in Californicate all been saying  them swimming polls almost allways appear fine but the damage to the bottom will show up in a few weeks or months. I hope it don't wait til I jump in in the summer and at that moment all the water is sucked out of them cracks and I git myself hurt. (Thankee to some of my fans in CA who sent me that link I hi-lited above. You are real good people.)

The other thing been keeping me real busy is some of us heared that here in the East that we wasn't invited to no special meeting to elekt directors. Now I read up on both the Oklahoma law and what's in them bi-laws. Now according to the law: each member shall be entitled at every meeting of members to one vote and it also do say that members of the governing body shall be elected by a plurality of the votes of the members.

 and the bi-law:

2.   A special meeting shall be called upon written request of twenty-five (25) of the members who are entitled to vote.

3.  Written notice of each meeting of the members shall be given by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prepaid, at least ten (10) days before the meeting to each member entitled to vote addressed to the member’s last address appearing on the books of the Association or supplied by such member to the Association for the purpose of notice.  The notice shall specify the place, day, hour and agenda of the meeting and in case of a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting.

Now I don't have no decree from the University of Phonics or nothing but it don't take a smart folk to know that if none of my neighbors or me got no notification something is serious  wrong. According to the Oklahoma state law you can't try to say that it was all done at the  BMTA anal meetin. Them corporatons were never consolidated or merged according to the Secretary of the States so the law says the requirements for having a meeting must be met by each corporation. And where is the written request of 25 members entitled to vote  where they called the meeting and why they left me out and all my neighbores out of the vote. And who is "they"?

I hear some rumbling. Its either another of them earthquacks  or that kid next door with his 1976 Matador easing down the street toward his house.  Not sure which I am hoping fer.

Well, you all be good and make sure you get you an earthquake kit together. Maybe someone hear will post  a good list from them Californy sites since they have been through this. Gotta comb my hair down a little and get to working.

P.S. A shout out to you all in the state of Washington. (We was in the state of Chaos when we got that eartha quake.) You all write soon. 



  1. We don't live in OK anymore but just checked the OK statutes for you. Were you aware that Oklahoma State law says that any member may bring an action in the district court to enforce the bylaws of a domestic corporation. (i.e. if you have a few who are trying to make up things that conflict with the by-laws they can end up in court trying to explain why they have chosen to flout the law.)

    We all love Will here in Nebraska!

  2. The Millers in southern CANovember 8, 2011 at 9:35 AM

    Count us in! We love Will and Em Jae

    Hey, unless people are to put it delicately "not bright" they are well aware how often it is predicted: http://www.openbible.info/topics/earthquakes
