Monday, May 28, 2012


The Burning Tree Master Association board of directors has only worried about the pool lift and has completely ignored the remainder of the federal requirements!! 


The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Standards established specific rules concerning accessibility for handicapped individuals to facilities and pools. The ADA Act went into effect on March 15, 2012; with the exception of ADA approved pool lifts installation. According to the Department of Justice, the pool lift is the ONLY requirement that received an extension. All other aspects of the ADA Standards Act must be in compliance by the March 15, 2012 deadline. Failure to follow this federal law can have serious consequences, up to and including a $55,000.00 fine for the first violation, and $110,000.00 for the second.

Several complaints have been filed with the United States Department of Justice concerning Burning Tree Master Association facilities. We have been assured these complaints are currently being investigated by the Department of Justice and HUD.

The board of directors have stated that all the Department of Justice requires of them is to have  “a plan in place”, so they assume don’t have to do anything now to make the facility accessible to those who are handicapped.  However,  the DOJ advised that any HOA board of directors using that as a defense must be able to “support the claim” (prove that they haven't had the money to do the work). 

In addition to the video (which you are urged to view) the Department of Justice has been receiving complaints  regarding Burning Tree Master Association's total disregard for the  ADA Standards of Accessible Design, which were effective March 15, 2012. (CONFIRMED WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ON MAY 25, 2012 that these were required to be in place before the facilities was to open):

The DOJ mandate for ADA compliance deadline was not extended as the Burning Tree Master Association Board of directors will have you believe. Only the pool lift installation deadline was extended. 

The ADA 2010 Standards enforced by the Department of Justice Civil Rights has specific requirements. The following is a partial list of items that the Burning Tree Master Association Board of directors was required by the Department of Justice to have done BEFORE opening in May 2012.  $55,000.00 fine for the first violation, and $110,00 for the second violation.

  1. location and number of accessible handicapped parking spaces and the number of those that must be van accessible
  2. “level ground” for parking space and access aisle
  3. parking space size for cars
  4. access aisle space size
  5. vans space size
  6. "van accessible” and international symbol of accessibility  signs along with their placement and height
  7. marking of the accessible route connecting each access aisle to accessible building entrances (Section 502.3)  
  8. firm, stable, slip-resistant surface for accessible route with no steps or steeply sloped surfaces and adjoining each access aisle serving accessible parking spaces
  9. the minimum clearance at the parking space, the adjacent access aisle and along the vehicular route to the space and vehicular exit.  
  10. size of the access aisle next to the van parking space to permit a person using a wheelchair or scooter to exit or enter a van with a side-mounted lift along with the allowable slope of walking surfaces, 
  11. compliance under 302 for floor and ground surfaces, Section 303.3- when changes in level (surfaces with slopes and to surfaces with abrupt rise requiring ramps,
  12. turning spaces, for wheelchairs and other mobility devices, to maneuver in order to use doors, fixtures, and telephones. Such changes in level are prohibited in required clear floor and ground spaces, turning spaces, and in similar spaces where people using wheelchairs and other mobility devices must park their mobility aids such as in wheelchair spaces, or maneuver to use elements such as at doors, fixtures, and telephones. 
  13. Floor or Ground Surfaces floor or ground surfaces along accessible routes and in accessible rooms and spaces must be stable, firm, slip-resistant, and comply with  section 302  of the 2010 Standards.
  14. drinking fountains must be mounted at a height for wheelchair users to provide clear floor space for a forward approach with knee and toe clearance.
  15. Dining Surfaces Section 226.1 of the 2010 Standards require that where dining surfaces are provided for the consumption of food or drink, at least five percent (5%) of the seating spaces and standing spaces at the dining surfaces comply with section 902. Section 902.2 requires the provision of accessible knee and toe clearance.
  16. detectable warnings at transit platform edges sections 218, 810.5, 705.1, and 705.2   
  17. handrails-where handrails are  provided along walkways that are not ramps, they shall comply with certain technical requirements.
  18. one hundred percent (100%) of multiple single-user toilet rooms clustered in a single location are required to be handicapped accessible
  19. water closet location 
  20. rear grab bar specifications
  21. toilet paper dispensers: location, size, delivery control and  continuous paper flow
  22. lavatories installed adjacent to the water closet are prohibited from overlapping the clear floor space at water closets
  23. toilet room with in-swinging doors cannot swing into the clear floor space required at any fixture. Section 603.2. 
  24. Turning Space Section requirements to include knee and toe clearance complying with section 306. See
  25. Sinks-  technical requirements address clear floor space, height, faucets, and exposed pipes and surfaces.
  26. Dressing rooms must be in compliance


Well, we certainly do not have the time to go through every violation (including those not even listed above, but here are a few the Department of Justice has received complaints about:

 Accessibility to the recreational facility from the parking lot is almost impossible for a handicapped person trying to access it in a wheel chair. The parking lot is gravel, then one must attempt to navigate a steep downhill pathway with no handrails to get to a concrete bridge built across a creek (which has no side safety rails) next the concrete pathway leading uphill to the recreational facility is steep and narrow. The gate cannot even be opened by a handicapped person.

Burning Tree Master Association believes a handicapped person could drive their vehicle from the parking lot across the bridge and  thru the double gates at the recreational facility, located to the left of the pedestrian gate. There is no room to park vehicles inside the fenced area of the recreational facility that is adequate for handicapped parking. Handicapped parking signs must follow the federal guidelines as to what it says, the height and placement of each sign. There is no ramp leading to the pool area gate from here and the area is not paved.   This area does not meet Federal standards. 

Further, the concrete used to support the bridge, the ONLY entrance to the recreational facility, may not have the compressive strength and supports necessary for vehicle use on a regular basis. The bridge does not have side safety rails to keep a vehicle or a person from falling six to seven feet into the dirty creek below. There is not low voltage lighting on the bridge for after dark assess. The culverts fill up with litter and stop the flow of the creek. The walk area from the bridge to the recreational facility is prone to flooding during heavy rains because of the lack of proper drainage. You sometimes have to wait for the water to subside, leaving no exit until it does. 

The parking lot is an open area; no parking spaces are marked and it is covered with gravel. There is no paving in the parking lot for the handicapped allowing them the ability to maneuver around without problems. There are two handicapped designated parking spaces for cars but no space for a van. 

Areas of Sport Activity  There is not a handicap accessible route connecting the recreational facility and the basketball courts, just an uneven steep downhill grassy area which is the only means of access. To get to the gate for the tennis courts from the basketball courts you must climb a very steep grassy embankment and open a narrow gate. There is another gate to the tennis courts located inside the enclosed pool area behind the pool slide; you must navigate the pool slide supports to reach this gate. The narrow gates and lack of a ramp make it non handicap accessible. 

Drinking Fountain   There is not a drinking fountain for persons who use wheelchairs. The drinking fountains are attached to the wall. 

Dining Surfaces  The eating area is not handicap accessible. There is a small concrete ramp too narrow to allow a wheelchair to enter the eating pavilion and there is a set of stairs. There is not sufficient knee and toe clearance for a wheelchair at the tables inside the eating area. 

Accessible Means of Entry to Wading pool.   The wading pool is enclosed by a fence,  the gate is not handicap accessible. 

Detectable Warnings There are no detectible warnings at transit platform edges which sound on contact from adjoining walking surfaces by a distinctively textured surface of truncated domes.  These help to assist someone with poor eyesight move around.    

Handrails along Walkways  The cement pathway after the bridge leading to the recreational facility and the pool area is steep and narrow, approximately two and a half feet wide, and does not have handrails or adequate lighting. The slope, width, and pitch of the pathway are not correct for the handicapped. 

Toilet Facilities Section 603.2.Turning Space Section to be either a circular space or a T-shaped space. Section 304.3 permits turning space to include knee and toe clearance complying with section 306. See   

Lavatories and Sinks technical requirements address clear floor space, height, faucets, and exposed pipes and surfaces. The clear floor space at sinks is required to be positioned for a forward approach and knee and toe clearance to be provided under the sink. 

Dressing rooms are required to comply with the accessibility requirements of sections 222 and 803 of the 2010 Standards. Where these types of rooms are provided in clusters, five percent (5%) but at least one room in each cluster must comply. 

Service Counters The 2010 Standards, at section 904.4, contain technical requirements for service counters (such as where one would check in).  The nondiscrimination requirements of the ADA regulations require the level of service provided at the accessible portion of any service counter to be the same as the level of service provided at the inaccessible portions of the counter. 

Thresholds at Doorways 2010 Standards have requirements concerning the height of thresholds at all doorways that are part of an accessible route along with requirements for raised thresholds that exceed ¼ inch in height. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: According to the Department of Justice, these are the minimum requirements of the ADA. State and local government have the authority to adopt and enforce their own building codes, but must meet or exceed those contained in the ADA.

ACCESSIBILITY TO THE INTERNET (Website is non-compliant)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) also covers accessibility to the Internet. Burning Tree Master Association website excludes the blind and the deaf from full and equal access and participation in using the Internet.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires covered entities to furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities. See 28 C.F.R. 36.303; 28 C.F.R. 35.160.  The policy ruling states that ADA Titles II and III require  the business sector to provide effective communication whenever they communicate through the Internet. The effective communication rule applies to covered entities (an HOA is since it is considered a public accommodation since memberships are sold) using the Internet for communications regarding their programs, goods or services since they must be prepared to offer those communications via an accessible medium.

Those who have a disability and attempt to access a Web site are entitled to equal access as are any other members of the public.

Further, Burning Tree Master Association offers Paypal on their site. How does the Burning Tree Master board of directors expect a person with low vision to access it, so they are treated the same as anyone else?) People who are blind or deaf and others with different disabilities may also have a problem with accessing the information.

United States Department of Justice Policy Ruling, 9/9/96: ADA Accessibility Requirements Apply to Internet Web Pages 10 NDLR 240 In an opinion letter dated September 9, 1996, The U.S. Department of Justice stated that:      “Covered entities under the ADA are required to provide effective communication, regardless of whether they generally communicate through print media, audio media, or computerized media such as the Internet. Covered entities that use the Internet for communications regarding their programs, goods, or services must be prepared to offer those communications through accessible means as well.”

According to a 1996 settlement letter from The Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education (OCR): [T]he issue is not whether the [person] with the disability is merely provided access, but the issue is rather the extent to which the communication is actually as effective as that provided to others.


  • Oklahoma IT Accessibility Legislation and Resources - Oklahoma IT IT accessibility laws,  legislation, issuing executive orders, and writing policies.
  • The State of Oklahoma passed HB 2197 in 2004 for the provision of electronic and information technology accessibility. Oklahoma's EITA law reflects an ongoing commitment to provide access to information resources and technologies to individuals with disabilities.   Oklahoma Statute: Title 62 Section 34.28, Section 34.29 ,and Section 34.30

  • The United States Access Board (a.k.a. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board) is an independent federal agency created that is responsible for guideline development under (1) Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, (2) The ADA, (3) The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and (4) The Architectural Barriers Act.   For more information about this, see 


    The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (separate from the ADA 2010 Standards) is also a FEDERAL requirement. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act falls under the Department of Justice ~ U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The act which went into effect on Dec. 19, 2008 requires federally approved covers, which are domed instead of flat, to prevent swimmers from being trapped under water by drain suction. The pool must be drained down in order to install in the pool and wading pool. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission now requires additional safeguards in place by May 28, 2012 and no pool should open without this safeguard.  

    However, no preparations have been made by the BTMA to comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act.


    Much of the above information was condensed from alongthebeatenroad.  Please click to go there to see the REST OF THE STORY.

    Also be sure to read: why the Vice-President of Burning Tree Master Association (who clearly understood what was going on) resigned

    Sunday, May 27, 2012

    Will Is Back

    How goes it Will?

    Well  I don't know where in the tarnation to begin! Me and Em Jae took a little vacation  seein all them bee and bee's,you know,  fine ole houses that folks fixed up real nice and purdy all over to the country, where they serve Jethro size breakfasts and no other meals. 

    When we get  back, lo and behold there is a bill from the Burny Tree bored of directors demanding money that everbody in there right state of mind knows is nothing but horse hooey, an that confusing letter they sent  with it trying to explain  what makes us all connected is just plane wrong. One might think that old bored would just explain what a mess that developer left us in here in  Burny Tree, an come up with a plan of action, yes-siree. But that would mean them career bored members would hafta use a brain, instead of jest being plane dumb, doing the same ole things year after year, an always expecting different results.

    An to make my points 'bout the bored not using there brains, those three fellas who keep telling everbody they represents the board down to the South, been passing out nooze-letters to only certain people and with the same ole wrong information on it no less. Now I wonder why in tarnation they keep on claiming that? Where is the leader of the master bored anyway, an why isn't her name on it? Or did me and Em Jae miss out on a hole lot of nooze whiles we was gone visiting all those bee and bee's? Some of our neighbors got them letters and some didn't. Now, ain't that something? Em Jae figures they stopped off down to the pool to cool themselves off  before they make it plum around the Burny Tree delivering them letters.

    We heard all that letter was about was trying to intimidate people into paying those dues that everbody knows ain't legal. What with that developer getting all confused and not making or filing the correct amendments to make us one happily ever after family. Yess-siree, that be the huge ole elephant in the room (no legal amendment), that the ole master bored refuses to talk about. None of there hi-powered lawyer types figured it out neither.

    Well , gotta run fer now cause we have a mountin of mail to git to.


    Tuesday, May 8, 2012


    The March 15, 2012 deadline for complying with the new ADA Standards,  is getting a lot of attention due to  confusion about what the new law requires for an HOA to be in compliance. 

    The Burning Tree Master Association Board of Directors must ensure that the facilities can be opened in May 2012, so they are not fined and they try to pass on their fines  to everyone in the form of special assessments.


    Although the pool lift grace period was extended only for the pool lifts the grace period for all the rest of the ADA requirements for compliance was  over on March 15, 2012. By the Burning Tree Master Association's failure to comply Burning Tree Master has set us up for heavy fines. (And guess who the board of directors will look to to pay them!  Get ready for special assessments.)

    Failure to meet ADA standards can result in fines and lawsuits. The DOJ has stated that there will be significant  DOJ enforcement actions for owners and operators of HOA pools that do not comply with the DOJ's mandatory requirements.  Having a "plan in place" without compliance is not enough  In order to use that position as their claim for ignoring the mandate the HOA must "defend that position" as the DOJ will require proof positive that they did not have the funds,  according to the DOJ.





    The right to freedom of the press, guaranteed by the first amendment, allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. It is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression.  

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012


    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  covers accessibility as it relates to information technology and that could affect you.  Increasingly the ADA, which is enforced by the United States Justice Department, is being successfully applied to websites.  Not applying the ADA to websites opens the door to civil penalties.  

    United States Department of Justice Policy Ruling, 9/9/96: ADA Accessibility Requirements Apply to Internet Web Pages 10 NDLR 240

    In an opinion letter dated September 9, 1996, The U.S. Department of Justice stated that:     “Covered entities under the ADA are required to provide effective communication*, regardless of whether they generally communicate through print media, audio media, or computerized media such as the Internet. Covered entities that use the Internet for communications regarding their programs, goods, or services must be prepared to offer those communications through accessible means as well.”

    Members of the public who have a disability attempt to access a Web site, are entitled to equal access as are any other members of the public.    According to a 1996 settlement letter from The Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education (OCR):     [T]he issue is not whether the [person] with the disability is merely provided access, but the issue is rather the extent to which the communication is actually as effective as that provided to others. (Do you have Paypal on your site? If so, how do your blind viewers use it? )

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires covered entities to furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities.The policy ruling states that ADA Titles II and III require State and local governments and the business sector to provide effective communication whenever they communicate through the Internet. The effective communication rule applies to covered entities using the Internet for communications regarding their programs, goods or services since they must be prepared to offer those communications via an accessible medium.

    Assure accessibility to the Internet for individuals with visual disabilities who use screenreaders. Without special coding, a text browser will only display the word "image" when it reads a graphic image. Moreover, if the graphic is essential to navigating the site (such as a navigational button or arrow) or if it imparts vital information (such as a table or image map) the user can get stuck and not be able to move or understand the information provided.

    People who are blind or deaf aren’t the only people with disabilities who surf the Web. Web sites which are perfectly accessible to fully-abled people may be impossible for people with disabilities to access.


    • In August 2004, Cendant Corporation, owner of and, settled a lawsuit brought by the state of New York and Attorney General Elliot Spitzer. In the settlement, Cendant agreed to make and easier to use for the blind and visually impaired. In addition, Cendant will pay New York state $77,500 for the cost of the state's investigation.
    • The law is being applied to all manner of disabilities and technologies. In September 2005, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and the law firm of Outten & Golden filed a class-action discrimination complaint in Connecticut after Morgan Stanley refused to accept a stock trade order from a deaf account holder who called using a telecommunications relay service.
    • In February 2006, a blind UC Berkeley student filed a class-action lawsuit against the website hosted by Minnesota-based retailer Target Corporation. The suit alleges violations of the ADA, stating, "Target thus excludes the blind from full and equal participation in the growing Internet economy that is increasingly a fundamental part of daily life." Joining in the suit is the National Federation of the Blind.

    Making your site fully accessible protects you from potential liability under The ADA. Web sites are covered under the ADA (and quite possibly the Rehabilitation Act, too).  An access issue with your website could land you in court.

    Oklahoma is one of the many states with their own laws:

    • Oklahoma IT Accessibility Legislation and Resources - Oklahoma IT IT accessibility laws and 5 states are presently in the preliminary stages of drafting legislation, issuing executive orders, or writing policies.
    • The State of Oklahoma passed HB 2197 in 2004 for the provision of electronic and information technology accessibility.Oklahoma's EITA law reflects an ongoing commitment to provide access to information resources and technologies to individuals with disabilities.   Oklahoma Statute: Title 62 Section 34.28, Section 34.29 ,and Section 34.30

     The Access Board (a.k.a. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board) is an independent federal agency  that is responsible for guideline development under (1) Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, (2) The ADA, (3) The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and (4) The Architectural Barriers Act.   For more information about this, see UPDATED!! SEE THE ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS ACT WHICH IS NOT THE SAME AS THE 2010 Standards ADA MANDATE FROM THE DOJ.


    Application of ADA to the Internet: US Department of Justice Ruling