Monday, April 23, 2012

Memo for the Burning Tree Master Association Board of Directors

Would the board of directors please see that the new trees, and crepe myrtles get some desperately needed water? As in very soon?

Maybe the person who is obsessed with the mowing of city property off of Memorial could use that energy to water the trees; and our phones could stop ringing from everyone asking why they are neglected so. Just a wee bit embarrassing when people who do not live in Burning Tree inquire.

Our green areas look so lovely when mowed, and as your eyes sweep over the area....blam....wilting rose bushes adorn freshly mowed lawn along with trees with droopy leaves. Hopefully, the rose bush and crepe myrtles on the corner as you exit the area will survive.

We really expect this to fall on the deaf ears of the board, because all of their energy is focused on the pool this time of year. Brings to mind mules with blinders on, just plodding along taking care of what they have always done with absolutely no vision outside of their blinders.

 Just a friendly reminder that the people of Burning Tree planted these trees in loving memory of someone special. Why is it that not a priority?


  1. Why don't u take care of the, trees, pick up the trash in your streets and yards? You want someone to take care of your "hood"? If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Peace & love, the obsessed one.

    1. "Peace and love"???? Seriously? That has got to be a wild-eyed old hippie, trying to sound young and "hip" (so almost grown grandkids think she is the cool granny) using "u", "hood" and really old-fashioned, tired and worn out cliches from back in her day like "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem".

      "Can you dig what I'm saying?" Far out! Groovy! Right on!
      Gotta boogie now.

  2. Dear Anonymous, the team here tends to believe that people who are interested in helping with the landscaping neglect issues, have either been 'run off' or are not part of the btma "clique". Hence, bless your heart, you are so overworked and the trees and shrubs continue to die because of incompetence.
