Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Em Jae is thumbing thru her cookbooks.

Well lands sake! What in da world when we went to Wal-Marts we seem that someuns  plantin in the meridian jest off of Memoreal an 65th streets! Is dat bamboos? Yeppers, lookin like it for shure is! That worms my heart that they's planting crops fer us. Em Jae is alookin' threw her recipes to see what all can be made with bamboo shoots. Be good with poke salads and some stirs-fry we know.

Maybe all of us who is gonna be taking advantage of the community gardens there wants to share some recipes. Check out this one we love: Wonderful soup 

Hey, a Burnish Tree Cookbook using things that is growed here. And them chickens them folks have we can get eegs and when them chickens die of old age maybe they will be sharon them so theres fried chicken for all.

Now, I know that there was some of them who was gonna git  us some of them fine ole trees ta plants down to the Uppity Trees, but this shure beats  all. Planting us a community garden to be shared by all who is in the Burny tree--apartments and duplex folk. The Uppity Trees peoples was sayin we culd have lots of purdy trees butt theys never said nothin 'bout no bamboos!  If'n that don't beat all. And that was so smart to do as bamboo grows real fast so we'll have lots and lots for everyone.   I sure do love living in the Burned Tree, the way they all looks out so good fer each other.

Does anyone know when they will be delivering our share to our front door?

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