Legal descriptions were included simply to show where the Burning Tree Master Association owned property.
The legal descriptions, in the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) Articles of Incorporation, in Article IV were included to show the location of the properties owned by the Burning Tree Master Association. Burning Tree Master Association owns properties within the subdivisions of Burning Tree One, Burning Tree East and Burning Tree South.
Homeowner misinterpreting what he tried to read confused a small number of homeowners who don't check to see if he had the facts correct.
The legal descriptions, in the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) Articles of Incorporation, in Article IV were included to show the location of the properties owned by the Burning Tree Master Association. Burning Tree Master Association owns properties within the subdivisions of Burning Tree One, Burning Tree East and Burning Tree South.
Homeowner misinterpreting what he tried to read confused a small number of homeowners who don't check to see if he had the facts correct.
While the Burning Tree Master Association Articles of Incorporation include a legal
description of simply where Burning Tree Master Association owns land much
unnecessary confusion among homeowners is the result of one homeowner trying to
interpret Burning Tree Master Association ’s Articles of Incorporation.
The homeowner incorrectly interpreted that by those
legal descriptions being in the Burning Tree Master Association Articles of Incorporation that it
meant that the subdivisions in those areas were tied to the Burning Tree Master Association.
Unfortunately he has blurted out his incorrect assumption at more than one meeting, as if it were fact.
Attorneys do not agree with confused homeowners misinterpretation.
Unfortunately he has blurted out his incorrect assumption at more than one meeting, as if it were fact.
Attorneys do not agree with confused homeowners misinterpretation.
It is important to note that not one attorney read the
document to mean that by the Burning Tree Master Association having legal descriptions
in their Articles of Incorporation, stating where Burning Tree Master Association owns property, that
it tied any subdivision to Burning Tree Master Association or gives the Burning Tree Master Association authority to assess any
homeowner. (Interestingly, the Secretary of State's office didn't see that
any subdivision was tied to the Burning Tree Master Association, either.)
Why was Burning Tree Master Association formed?
Why was Burning Tree Master Association formed?
Article IV of the Burning Tree Master Association Articles of
Incorporation clearly states that Burning Tree Master Association was formed to enhance
and protect the value, desirability and attractiveness of their properties
located in those areas.
This association is formed for purposes not involving pecuniary gain or
profit to its members and shall have no capital stock. The specific purposes
for which this corporation is formed are to provide for the development,
maintenance, and improvements so as to enhance and protect the value,
desirability and attractiveness of certain real property
within the tract of property described as follows:Burning Tree, an Addition to the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, specifically described as:
The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section 1, Township 18 North, Range 13 East of the Indian Base and Meridian;
The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section 1, Township 18 North, Range 13 East of the Indian Base and Meridian; and
The East Half (E/2) of the East Half (E/2) of the East Half (E/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 1, Township 18 North, Range 13 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, in the City of Tulsa, County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma
Note that the Articles of Incorporation do not show that Burning Tree One, Burning Tree Plaza, Burning Tree East, or Burning Tree West are tied in either.
· According to the Secretary of State, all subdivisions were filed as separate entities, not tied to the Burning Tree Master Association . There has been no merger or consolidation of the Burning Tree Master Association with any subdivision, as would first be required by the Articles of Incorporation according to Article VIII, in order to tie the two together together.
· According to court documents, in the 1980s, homeowners successfully won their case against a past President of the Burning Tree Master Association who was required by the court to pay a large settlement for those actions.
· Even if Burning Tree Master Association had ever had a legal right to assess homeowners in any of the subdivisions, the homeowners were never allowed to vote on any assessments. Yet, the Burning Tree Master Association assessed and liened homeowners based on whatever amount the Burning Tree Master Association board of directors wily-nily set the amount to be, while their own Burning Tree Master Association by-laws do not even allow the board of directors to do this.