Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hypocrisy 101..............

Don't you just love how our wonderful board members are taking care of our property? You know, Burning Tree property; where you pay property taxes on your home, and the board demands assessments (ransom) under threat of penalties and liens? (albeit, not legal assessments, even though the BTMA continues their propaganda campaign).

The Articles of Incorporation spell out the main purpose of the association is to enhance the entire parcel of Burning Tree property. The entire property. What? You mean there is other property besides the pool?

The recreational facilities are now sporting two brand new basketball goals, while the trees planted almost two years ago and the ones planted this Spring are dying a slow death from lack of water.

Tonight a news letter from the BTMA was delivered to most peoples door touting, quote..."Mark Higgins maintains our common areas and is responsible for a lot of the landscape and beautification projects in the neighborhood."  It is quite obvious that Mr. Higgins does not understand that when something is planted, it needs life saving water or, our wonderful BTMA leaders are withholding water for the survival of trees, crepe myrtles, and the perennial flower bed; so they will have enough money to buy hot dogs and hamburgers to give away free to all who wish to partake on their holiday get-togethers. How nice to furnish free hamburger and hot dogs, while trees that were planted in memory of loved ones, die a very slow death from the lack of water. Oh, and the new trees that were planted this spring, they are dying also. But hey, come on down to the pool and get some free food! And please remember those wonderful hotdogs and hamburgers when you drive home past all the dead and dying trees and shrubs. Leaves a great lasting impression to prospective home buyers, wouldn't you agree?

How much is the BTMA paying for landscape and beautification, in addition to the mowing contract with Mr. Higgins? Never mind that there are Master Gardeners who live in Burning Tree who would love the opportunity to donate their skills to the beautification of our neighborhood; no, that would make to much sense! Big Government and incompetency are very much alive here in Burning Tree.

Also in the newsletter was a blip regarding the Neighborhood Watch Program. Geeze, same song, 15th verse yet again!!! This has been hashed and re-hashed each and every year and the upshot is in years past, the BTMA board did not want to spend the $40.00 per sign for the entire area. It is not rocket science people; just cough up the money for the signs, and you are on the road to starting the program. But no, just like big government, they want to form a committee, talk about what and how to do it, and by then, new directors are on the board, and the merry-go-round continues without a decision. Oh, but don't forget to go by the pool for your free hot dogs and hamburgers.

Interesting little diddy on the "To chip or Not to Chip" for pets. Really? This is relevant because? The residents of Burning Tree are not some group of children who need to be lectured on how to take care of their beloved pets. This is nothing new, it has been around for awhile, and pet owners and their vets are fully aware of this program. But it was nice "fluff" to fill the ever so informative newsletter. Like getting your newsletter after the July meeting. So typical of our ever-on-the-spot-up- to- the- minute board. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? So glad to know that our leaders are on top of important issues.

Ya'll don't forget to go to the pool for your free food.........you might want to take a gallon or two of water to pour on the dying trees and shrubs.......and don't forget your fearless leaders on the BTMA are serving up a nice dish of Hypocrisy 101 with every hotdog. Enjoy!!!

Claudia Nelson


  1. There is some elderly bald haired man who is out early in the morning who doesn't use a leash on his dogs. He is sort of over by the pool area (not sure what area it is)and then another old guy in the evenings with graying hair who has dogs he doesn't leash either. We see them running wild over around the creek and back that way. They can't read the signs or know what the law is?? Give me a break. They are old guys and they have been around long enough to know better.

    1. "We see them running wild over around the creek and back that way." WAS THAT QUOTE REGARDING THE OLD GUYS?

    2. We think his wife needs to put him on a leash.

  2. Dear Anonymous, yes unfortunately there are those among us who believe they are above rules and regulations; especially those pertaining to the current and posted leash laws. This behavior will continue unless and until we report those who are so arrogant and believe the rules do not apply to them. Thank you for your post.

  3. Burning Tree Estates.....????? ROFLMAO! Who writes this stuff?

    Anyone else notice that bad clip art of the two fingered "weenie" cooking something on a grill? And why is he holding a trident(devil's pitchfork)?


    1. Oh, you mean the weenie in that newsletter that was put on people's door. Good eye, you have.
