Monday, November 21, 2011

Will's Idear To Help The Pool (Will's Thanksgiving Vacation)

I been atakin' some time to reevue all them importunt papers thats been on all those blogs an comparin 'em with my very own copy of  documents jest to make shure I got a reel good unerstandin of what it says and means in plane everday words. Some ways to spend my Thanksgivin vacashun, for shure now. But everbody keep sayin that we all needs to unerstand them papers, so I jest sits, and sits in my reecliner readin an readin even if Em Jae is a hollerin thats all I do is sits and reads. An then blam! I seen it really is there what they been telling us--that the btma can't make nobody pay 'em.

Now I tell you what ,  I had me a hole lotta fun this year down to the pool, me and the grandkids....and since the BMTA don't have no legal rights to force nobody to give  money according to the legal documents I have this idear. I never been a whiner when I sees a problem, I am a doer an gets it done! So here is what I am going to do: Those of us who use the pool have a  telethon to save the pool.....With so many of us who use it it will be a cake walk in the park.  I know some of the people who was at the pool and they is also on the Fakebook, so I'll go by their house to collect  donaeshuns. This is reel important and everyboy needs to understnad that  we can give all the money we want and nobody can stop us. Get your checkbook ready as I WILL be contacting those who I know for sure goes.  I need others to go ahead and  lets  show off what we can do.

Instead of buying lots of trinkets and stuff from China this year for the kids and grandkids, keep the money in the neighborhood and buy em all an associates membership and then give all the extra money you can afford to. If I don't catch you at the house I will  come to the next btma meeting so bring your checkbook there. Appairently that pool is going to need some major working accordian to that last President so do give real generously.  

I will get me a blog and  honor all them who donates and have a Hall of Fame on the blogs to show who is good enough to put their money where our mouth is and make sure that everone knows how  much they is given...We will have a "Gold Medal"  silver medal and bronze medal depending on how much them give. 

Ya'll have a reel nice Thanksgivin


Thursday, November 17, 2011


This year has been event filled to say the least with blizzards, drought, tornadoes, and earthquakes to shake and mix it all up. Wow!

Still, if we take just one quiet  moment to reflect on all the good things that have happened in our lives, even those born out of tragedy, we might find much for which to be thankful. We have been blessed with another day, and the choice to use this day to the fullest, to be a blessing to others. 

The Neighbor Dialogue team wishes each and every resident in Burning Tree a very blessed Thanksgiving.

Godspeed to all.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

BTMA Board Meeting

The November meeting of the BTMA board of directors will be held at the library of Grove Elementary School, November 14, 7:00 pm. Please come and bring a neighbor or two!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Em Jae is thumbing thru her cookbooks.

Well lands sake! What in da world when we went to Wal-Marts we seem that someuns  plantin in the meridian jest off of Memoreal an 65th streets! Is dat bamboos? Yeppers, lookin like it for shure is! That worms my heart that they's planting crops fer us. Em Jae is alookin' threw her recipes to see what all can be made with bamboo shoots. Be good with poke salads and some stirs-fry we know.

Maybe all of us who is gonna be taking advantage of the community gardens there wants to share some recipes. Check out this one we love: Wonderful soup 

Hey, a Burnish Tree Cookbook using things that is growed here. And them chickens them folks have we can get eegs and when them chickens die of old age maybe they will be sharon them so theres fried chicken for all.

Now, I know that there was some of them who was gonna git  us some of them fine ole trees ta plants down to the Uppity Trees, but this shure beats  all. Planting us a community garden to be shared by all who is in the Burny tree--apartments and duplex folk. The Uppity Trees peoples was sayin we culd have lots of purdy trees butt theys never said nothin 'bout no bamboos!  If'n that don't beat all. And that was so smart to do as bamboo grows real fast so we'll have lots and lots for everyone.   I sure do love living in the Burned Tree, the way they all looks out so good fer each other.

Does anyone know when they will be delivering our share to our front door?

Will on the Earthquack

Well, I "doody clair", I tel you what. Its nice to know I was missed by so many of yuns.  I have been bisy trying to see what them eartha quakes have done to the underside of my home. I can't seem to find how to get under there.

This whole thing gives me pause for concern. Did you hear that woman say she was sittin in her bathtub and she felt the earth hit the bottom of her tub? Maybe it was the slab hitting the ground. I hope it din't hurt our pool. I goggled to see and them folks in Californicate all been saying  them swimming polls almost allways appear fine but the damage to the bottom will show up in a few weeks or months. I hope it don't wait til I jump in in the summer and at that moment all the water is sucked out of them cracks and I git myself hurt. (Thankee to some of my fans in CA who sent me that link I hi-lited above. You are real good people.)

The other thing been keeping me real busy is some of us heared that here in the East that we wasn't invited to no special meeting to elekt directors. Now I read up on both the Oklahoma law and what's in them bi-laws. Now according to the law: each member shall be entitled at every meeting of members to one vote and it also do say that members of the governing body shall be elected by a plurality of the votes of the members.

 and the bi-law:

2.   A special meeting shall be called upon written request of twenty-five (25) of the members who are entitled to vote.

3.  Written notice of each meeting of the members shall be given by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prepaid, at least ten (10) days before the meeting to each member entitled to vote addressed to the member’s last address appearing on the books of the Association or supplied by such member to the Association for the purpose of notice.  The notice shall specify the place, day, hour and agenda of the meeting and in case of a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting.

Now I don't have no decree from the University of Phonics or nothing but it don't take a smart folk to know that if none of my neighbors or me got no notification something is serious  wrong. According to the Oklahoma state law you can't try to say that it was all done at the  BMTA anal meetin. Them corporatons were never consolidated or merged according to the Secretary of the States so the law says the requirements for having a meeting must be met by each corporation. And where is the written request of 25 members entitled to vote  where they called the meeting and why they left me out and all my neighbores out of the vote. And who is "they"?

I hear some rumbling. Its either another of them earthquacks  or that kid next door with his 1976 Matador easing down the street toward his house.  Not sure which I am hoping fer.

Well, you all be good and make sure you get you an earthquake kit together. Maybe someone hear will post  a good list from them Californy sites since they have been through this. Gotta comb my hair down a little and get to working.

P.S. A shout out to you all in the state of Washington. (We was in the state of Chaos when we got that eartha quake.) You all write soon. 


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquakes In Tulsa

Well this is a most unusual topic here in Tulsa town, earthquakes. Please post your thoughts and comments to share with your neighbors.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

More Pressing Issues

Hey everyone, we have more pressing issues than just worrying about the BTMA, blah, blah, blah. Hold on to your hats, because in the next few minutes, hopefully your eyes will be opened to what is going on all around us that is going to affect each and every one of us.

Greece is on the brink of financial collapse, and when that happens, you can kiss your retirement and 401K's goodbye. Our very own government is printing money faster than the presses can keep up. This equals inflation. In case you haven't noticed, each and every time you visit the grocery store, prices just keep increasing. The end to increasing prices on food is no where in sight. The CPI (consumer price index) report out this week says, within the next 3 to 4 months, food prices will double. So it just might be a good time to stock up on extra items your family enjoys, now.

The trash service brew-hah- hah, is all about going green. Saving the planet and all that rubbish (pun intended).
We will be getting less and paying more, saving the planet, of course. This is environmentalism gone wild.

Next comes the Smart Grid. Wonderful new digital meters that monitor how much energy you use, and if you use more than what is allocated, you will pay a hefty price. Eventually, the heating and cooling of your own home, can be controlled without your consent. The government will dictate how much and when you use energy. This program has been approved by the Corporation Commission, and is set to roll out  right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Check out your energy companies web sites. You will find buzz-words like, "sustainability", "green initiatives".They make it sound like it is the best thing since sliced bread. Not. Just last evening, there was a commercial for our local energy company, with the logo....Grid Smart.....

All these wonderful 'green programs' brought to us courtesy of the United Nations. Paid for with the Stimulus Money our politicians were so very eager to accept. If there are any of you who wish to investigate further, please google Agenda 21 and Iclei. You will find both programs very much alive and ready for implementation right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Makes one wonder how to pay for increased costs of gasoline, food and clothing. Agenda 21 is very, very real and frightening.