Saturday, July 23, 2011

Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) board members must feel like they have walked into a land mine

The mark of an intelligent person is one who listens to all sides,  takes time to weigh everything  and only after much serious consideration makes decisions based on what they know in their heart is best. A person of lesser intelligence will not want to listen to both sides to learn all they can in order to make a fair decision.  Which are you?   

Some of the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) board members must feel like they have walked into a land mine and don’t know where to turn. It is up utmost importance to listen to wise counsel (homeowners with the credentials to help) and take some time to study everything with an open mind.

Several homeowners have voiced that they feel it  is a huge waste to continuing trying to go after the South. It is going to cause us to not have the money to keep our pool open. There are many who are already extremely upset with the board for what the homeowners  consider an insidious waste of our money on attorneys. (Who will ever forget the last fiasco with the attorney charging us well over $11,000.00 to collect assessments. Burning Tree only realized $77 and the attorney took the rest. HOWEVER were you aware that we homeowners also had to fork over money for small claims, asset hearings and filing of the liens.   Burning Tree Master Association board of directors really wasted a ton of money and went into the hole. (Paula Hendrix who was President. There are copies of her e-mails with the attorney showing all of this information.)

Over $11,000.00 of our assessments went to that attorney (yes, the attorney was a "contact" of one of the board members--There are meeting notes where she stated so!) when it could have gone a long way into repairing the bottom of our pool and other renovations! Poof!! The Burning Tree Master Association went in the hole on another ill-thought out idea.)

Money continuing to be wasted could lead to not having the money to take care of what we must for the grounds and pool.  I don't imagine that any board member will want to be remembered as sitting on  the board that takes the whole place down.   We have more pressing things to spend our money on if we want to make sure our pool is able to open next year-- The pool bottom must be redone and there is a federal requirement that the Burning Tree Master Association  board of directors must get the pool ADA compliant with the lift for the disabled, before the March 15, 2012 deadline....or we may not see the pool opened in 2012.  

Let's stop wasting money trying to demand that  Burning Tree South be part of the rest of  us. This does not make for a peaceful neighborhood. We can all  see very clearly that according to their Certificate of Dedication homeowners did everything right. Janie Lyon worked hard to get the Burning Tree Area #4 running again and the petition was then filed.  Even the attorney  the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA) hired to find something to the contrary, did not say the Secretary of State was wrong in stating that Burning Tree Area #4 was not connected to Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA). It is very easy to go on line to see that each of the corporations are completely stand-alone* corporations and not under or part of the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA).

*Each corporation set up for the different areas has its very own filing number with the state of Oklahoma. If all were under the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA)there would be only that one corporation for the Burning Tree Master Association (BTMA)and the subdivisions  would be on there and called sub-associations. Obviously, it is not so. Let's "ease on down the road" instead of acting like spoiled, whining brats.

Here are the corporations filed with the state of Oklahoma. 

2100309967 BURNING TREE AREA I ASSOCIATION, INC.    (Part of BT One)
2100347247 BURNING TREE AREA #2 ASSOCIATION, INC. (Part of BT One)
2100348799 BURNING TREE AREA #5 ASSOCIATION, INC. (Part of BT East)
2100347190 BURNING TREE AREA #7 ASSOCIATION, INC. (West and Plaza)

 Burning Tree Master Association ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION .

 Burning Tree Master Association  has a pool but according to our Covenants, the Secretary of State of Oklahoma and  Burning Tree Master Association  Articles of Incorporation we are not tied to the Burning Tree Master Association  in any way. So we homeowners do not owe dues to Burning Tree Master Association  no matter how much the Burning Tree Master Association  board of directors wishes it were so.

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